Employment rights, minimum wage, labor protection, protection against exploitation – these are things Khalid only can dream of. His reality looks different. Right in the middle of Europe.
Funded by Stiftung Menschenwürde und Arbeitswelt
In cooperation with Bildungswerk Berlin der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung
Kardox Muhyaddin-Keßler
Stephan Bürgi
Script & Directing: Aviva Barkhourdarian
Assistant director: Christine Felix Pohl
DoP: Börres Weiffenbach
Camera assistant: Vanouch Balian
Sound: Günther Breden
Aviva Barkhourdarian & Norik Keshishian
Helping hands:
Ruzbeh Mirmoayadi
Mircea Lupu
Michael Haas
Lena Dickmann